
Oxygen Resistant Substrate Manipulators SH-O
Oxygen Resistant Substrate Manipulators
Using SiC or noble metal heaters, MBE-Komponenten offers substrate manipulators and heated stations that are resistant to oxygen or other corroding atmospheres.
Power Supply PS
Power Supply
The Power Supplies PS and PID temperature controllers provide precise temperature control resulting in a stable flux within our effusion cells
Production Effusion Cell PEZ
Production Effusion Cell
PEZ Production Effusion Cells are designed to meet the particular requirements of production MBE systems, allowing the evaporation of a variety of elements.
Quad Cluster Source QCS
Quad Cluster Source
Quad Cluster Sources are designed as four-cell-clusters. They can add more sources to your MBE system, either as thin-film deposition source in nanosciences or as doping source.
Quartz Crystal Monitor QCM
Quartz Crystal Monitor
Quartz crystal microbalance for in situ flux calibration. Positioning of the quartz directly under the substrate for accurate rate measurements.
Refractory Metal Parts RMP
Refractory Metal Parts
Individually designed refractory materials parts of highest quality and purity as well as standard pieces.
Rotary Pneumatic Module RPM
Rotary Pneumatic Module
The RPM is a drive unit for rotary shutter motion. Its torque reaches 0.85 Nm at 6 bar air supply.
We provide a variety of cell shutters designed for different evaporation sources. The shutter can be operated manually or by a soft-acting shutter module.
Shutter Control Unit SCU
Shutter Control Unit
The SCU is the power supply and controller for different soft-acting shutter modules. You may choose between manual and remote controlled shutter operation.
Silicon Sublimation Doping Source SUSI-D
Silicon Sublimation Doping Source
Excellent growth of thin silicon layers, short period Si/Ge superlattices and Si/SiGe heterostructures by means of high purity intrinsic or highly doped Si filament.
Soft-acting Linear Shutter Module LSM
Soft-acting Linear Shutter Module
The LSM consists of a soft-acting linear motion mechanism, driven by an electric motor and acting upon a magnetically coupled linear motion feedthrough.