Doping applications in Molecular Beam Epitaxy generally require low flux rates together with low quantities of dopant materials. A typical doping flux is about 3 to 5 orders of magnitude smaller than typical growth material flux.
Therefore doping cells can be built much more compact, resulting in a lower power consumption compared to standard effusion cells. Low thermal pollution of the MBE system and stable, reproducible temperature control is achieved even at high operation temperatures.
The compact cell design - a key performance provided by MBE Komponenten
GmbH - makes our multi material clusters ideally qualified for MBE
doping applications. See an example in the picture. A large area
uniformity of the doping level on your substrate is obtained by using
conically shaped crucibles. With a tapering angle of 10°, doping
uniformity of about 1% is reached on a 3" substrate at a distance of 150
Doping Source Selection
The following table wants to be a selection guide for our customers to find the suitable MBE source for various doping applications. Please contact us for assistance with special doping requirements. Our MBE specialists will find the optimal solution for your application.
Select doping cell by dopant material: