Electron Beam Evaporator EBV
Electron Beam Evaporator
The Electron Beam Evaporator EBV intends to achieve high growth rates for low vapour pressure materials, especially when high purity of the evaporant is desired.
High Voltage Power Supplies HV
High Voltage Power Supplies
The operation of any electron beam evaporator requires a well-matching set of power supplies and a control unit, in order to generate and guide the electron beam.
Multi-pocket-Evaporator EBVM
Our Multi-pocket E-Beam Evaporators combine flexibility in evaporating up to four different materials from a single source for thin film growth requirements.
Vertical Electron Beam Evaporator EBVV
Vertical Electron Beam Evaporator
The Vertical Electron Beam Evaporator EBVV features a complete electromagnetic x- and y-dynamic beam deflection system with small footprint.