Soft-acting rotary motion mechanism
Shutter action time 0.2 sec (open-close)
Automated shutter rotation with SCU
Use with mini rotary feedthrough
Feedthrough UHV compatible and bakeable up to 300°C
The Soft-acting Rotary Shutter Module - RSM - is a drive unit for rotary shutter motion. A special designed gear driven by an electric motor provides a “soft”, nearly sinusoidal angular velocity profile between two angular shutter positions.
The soft-action reduces particle generation and greatly increases shutter lifetime under UHV conditions. Fast shutter action times of less than 200ms (open-close) are achieved without mechanical shock and with minimum vibrations. This high shutter speed easily allows for sub-monolayers control of epitaxial growth.
The RSM is designed to be mounted on a mini rotary motion feedthrough on DN16 CF (O.D. 1.33") flange. The feedthrough with welded bellows sealing mechanism transmits the rotation to the effusion cell shutter.
Automated shutter action is obtained with the RSM connected to our shutter control unit SCU. The shutter control unit provides the power to the motor (24V DC) and controls the shutter action. Position feedback indicators show the actual shutter status. The SCU allows manual and remote shutter control.
The RSM is recommended for use with rotary motion shutters for all our evaporation sources. It is mountable on most rotary motion feedthroughs. For other shutter types we provide special soft-acting solutions.
Shutter opening angles of 60°, 90°, 103°, 110° or 127° are available. Please specify when ordering.
The direction of rotary motion also is factory-preset. The standard is
CCW-rotation from “close” to “open”, when looking onto the shutter plate
(i.e. into the crucible of the source). Specify CCW or CW rotation, when
The standard shutter speed is 0.2 s (open - close). For special
applications, such as heavy shutter plates or other reasons, we provide
slower versions with shutter speeds as slow as 1 s between the end
positions. This is recommended for large main shutters on substrate
manipulators as example.