Multi-pocket-Evaporator EBVM

Our Multi-pocket E-Beam Evaporators combine flexibility in evaporating up to four different materials from a single source for thin film growth requirements.
  • Linear multihearth UHV e-beam evaporator
  • full UHV integrity by hermetic all-metal sealed design, low outgassing
  • Bakeout temperature 200°C
  • Best product for evaporation of Silicon
  • Evaporation origin aligned on flange centre
  • Reliable manual linear translation, optional motorized translation with optical positioning
  • Hearth volumes 8 cm³ (x4 or x6); 15cm³ (x3 or x6)
  • Long filament life with 270° beam deflection
  • High frequency beam deflection system  Datasheet


MBE-Komponenten GmbH is pleased to offer you a new range of multihearth electron beam evaporators for use in ultra-high vacuum (UHV) applications: EBVM 200/250-4x8, -6x8, -3x15 and -6x15, optional with integrated source shutter.

Our Multi-pocket Evaporators combine great flexibility in evaporating up to four different materials from a single source for your thin film growth requirements with a compact design based on a horizontal DN200CF or DN250CF flange. All electrical and utility feedthroughs are included on this support flange, allowing easy integration into your UHV system. For easy installation and system maintenance we provide an optional mounting guide rod system. See the picture on the right.

On the EBVM only UHV-grade materials are used without any compromise. The electromagnetic deflection coils are manufactured from Kapton TM (polyimide) isolated wires and nickel-plated magnetic steel, the permanent magnets are of a high temperature rare earth alloy and the multihearth crucible is manufactured from high purity OFHC-copper (Oxygen-Free High-Conductivity copper).
Individual water cooling circuits of both, fixed and movable parts of the copper hearth assembly, ensure cool operation and low outgassing even at high power operation.

Optionally, the EBVM can be equipped with a linear shutter. A customized water-cooled roof can be installed on request. The standard manual pocket translation can be upgraded with a motorized pocket indexing drive with position feedback for the drive controller.

The minimum flange to pocket centre distance is 250 mm depending on crucible number and size, and can be increased to adapt to your system. We are pleased to assist you in integrating the EBVM into your existing UHV system. Don’t hesitate to contact us for further information and advice for your special application.

Movable multi-pocket Cu-slide
Movable multi-pocket OFHC Cu-slide, capacity 4x8 cm³ (3x15 cm³ also available)

Model of EBVM 200-4x8-S
EBVM 200-4x8-S, multi-pocket evaporator mounted on guide rod system and equipped with magnetically coupled linear shutter

Technical Data

Mounting Flange
DN200CF (O.D. 10") / DN250CF (O.D. 12")
in-vacuum Diameter
195 mm / 245 mm
in-vacuum Length
for 4x8 cm3 and 3x15 cm3 : 250 mm / for 6x8 cm3 : 330 mm / for 6x15 cm3 : 350 mm
Crucible capacities
8 cm³ or 15 cm³
Hearth dimensions (Ø x depth)
Ø30 mm (15° taper) x 15 mm or Ø37,8 mm (15° taper) x 17 mm
Filament type
short-legged coil of thick W wire, electron emitting filament
Bakeout temperature
200°C (all air side connectors removed)
Operating pressure
5 × 10-11 mbar ….1 × 10-5 mbar
Acceleration voltage4 - 10 kV
Beam powermax. 6 kW, (or 3 kW; depending on power supply)
Filament currentmax. 50 A at 10 V (AC)
Spot size5 mm diameter, approx
Primary beam deflection270° by permanent magnet system
Dynamic beam deflectioncoils wound from KAPTONTM - isolated wire;
x-deflection current: ± 3 A; y-deflection current: ± 3 A;
deflection frequency: max. 150 Hz
Coolingwater cooling, connectors SwagelokTM Ø6 mm and Ø8 mm (air side); water flow rate 6 l/min at 3 bar
Optionsintegrated source shutter (S) with manual push-pull action or with soft-acting drive unit LSM 40-100
water cooling roof
motorized pocket indexing drive


Schematic drawing EBVM
Schematic drawing of the Multi-pocket Linear E-beam Evaporator EBVM (drawing shows the EBVM 200-4x8-S)

Specific data

For general information on CF mounting flanges see Flange and Gasketdimensions .

ProductCF flangeNominal capacityCoolingShutter*UHV dimensions***
TLmax. electrical
Power supply
product code
[cm³][mm] / [mm][mm][kW] / [mA]Product code
EBVM200 -4x8 -K**S**LxxxD195L+1606 / 600HV
EBVM200 -6x8 -K**S**LxxxD195L+2506 / 600HV
EBVM200 -3x15 -K**S**LxxxD195L+1606 / 600HV
EBVM200 -6x15 -K**S**LxxxD195L+2906 / 600HV
EBVM250 -4x8 -KSLxxxD240L+1606 / 600HV
EBVM250 -6x8 -KSLxxxD240L+2506 / 600HV
EBVM250 -3x15 -KSLxxxD240L+1606 / 600HV
250 -6x15 -KSLxxxD240L+2906 / 600HV

* manual or automated shutter actuation (with LSM 40-100) ** only one option at a time, either K or S *** specify UHV length L with order