Thin Film Solar Cells

Research and industrial sources and systems for thin-film, CIGS, CZTS and CdTe applications.


Applications in Thin Film Solar Cells

Large capacity production type evaporation sources are offered for Cu, Ga, In, Sn, Zn, CdTe, NaF as well as for S and Se evaporation for thin film solar cell production. We produce not only the large industrial sources but also turn-key R&D systems and components for the growth of CIS, CIGS , CZTS Kesterite (Cu2ZnSnS4 and Cu2ZnSnSe4) and CdTe solar cells.

World record efficiency CuGaInSe2 solar cells have been prepared using our products.

Flexible CIGS solar cells

flexible solar cell
With courtesy of EMPA in Zurich (Switzerland)

Industrial Sources for Thin Film / CIGS / CZTS / CdTe deposition

R&D Thin Film Systems and Sources

Simulation of deposition process